Concept Idea
When you suddenly know what to do and a cartoon-like light bulb appears on your head, you've probably just got an idea.
"The best ideas are everyone's property ... But if you have an idea, and I have an idea, and we exchange them, then we both have two ideas"
(Søren Kierkegaard)
Creative Development, Graphic and Video Editor
The creative development of an idea, an event, communication and marketing strategies, it is essential that it is well coordinated by design, graphics, brand identity, content and captivating texts that can stimulate the reader to a greater liking, making it possible produce mental images!
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Communication Media, TV, Web and Social Network
Communication involves every aspect of our daily life. The greatest social successes are partly due to excellent strategies propagated in the mass media for their potential. We plan the dissemination of our content, conveyed through web channels, television networks, newspapers, radio and social network.
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